Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Anti Aging

Why Am I Fat and Aging Prematurely?


I just have to speak out after seeing sponsored ad, after sponsored ad, about weight loss and anti-aging; the most recent being about eat this, and eat that; use this skin care product, and that one. It doesn't matter what you eat or put on your skin if it's toxic. Our food supply is toxic. Our personal care products are toxic. Both cause obesity, premature aging, and disease. If you think the FDA thinks of your safety first; you're sadly mistaken. The FDA doesn't care about your safety. It's time you realize it. Why do you think Organic is 'All-The-Buzz' today? I'm talking about Certified Organic foods and Certified Organic personal care products.
Allow me to give you a little insight.
The food and beauty industry has not only created a huge market for its wares; it has also been specifically designed to target women with weight loss foods and beauty products designed to appeal to our desire to age beautifully. Obviously, their advertising campaigns have paid off. Unfortunately, unsuspecting women from all walks of life are unaware they are really being lied to by these industries who have orchestrated one of the most successful and well-planned marketing maneuvers in history.
By distorting and hiding facts, by manipulating the statistics, and by withholding scientific research in the pursuit of profits, these powerful industries has once again jeopardized lives by exposing women to premature aging and to an increased incidence of illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, allergies, arthritis, kidney stones, birth defects, and other toxic related diseases.
We have unknowingly brought premature aging upon ourselves through poor dietary habits, lifestyle factors, and exposure to toxins. It is our ignorance that has made us vulnerable to the food and beauty industries that have intentionally distorted the facts and willingly sacrificed the health of millions of women for profit and greed. It is only by our willingness to take responsibility for our bodies and make the commitment to return to a healthy, balanced way of life that we'll be able to reverse the damage, regain our health, and our beauty.
Let's talk about our food supply first. The toxins in our food supply cause disease and obesity. It's not you or your DNA makeup; it's the chemicals that are in our foods. GMO's (Genetically Modified Foods) are produced with chemicals that kill over time. I'm talking about wheat, corn, golden rice, vegetables, fruits, potatoes, and so much more. The toxins found in them go straight to your gut and grow from there. Your body can't process the toxins so your organs are burdened to the point that, over time, your immune system weakens and before you know it, health problems ensue.
Another horrendous thing that comes to mind is bleached flour. In the beautiful, trusting days of the past, flour was bleached in the sun but now it's sprayed with chemicals and if you were in the same room? You would die. The chemicals used, kill the cells in the pancreas that cause diabetes. Why do you think diabetes is so prevalent today? Well, now you know. Unfortunately, the cells cannot be replenished. It's a death sentence. Still think the FDA has your safety in mind first?
Another horrendous thing that comes to mind is milk. Seriously? Milk is marketed as wholesome to the school system and Americans, but it is not. Did you know that milk causes osteoporosis? Now you do.
And this is only what I've discovered through experience. No doubt there is so much more. All you have to do is search the internet to know what I say is true.
Another thing you should know is that Certified Organic foods, for the most part, are fat burning foods. Why? Because they are not toxic! Toxins cause obesity, not naturally occurring foods. Doesn't matter what they are because there is nutritional value to them.
It's not how much you eat; it is what you eat. Organic foods are fat burning and delicious! You could actually eat more fat burning foods and not have a problem with obesity; wild-caught fish, tuna, salmon; grass-fed beef, free-range chickens and eggs, wheat-free breads, real butter, organic desserts, organic foods that are produced on chemical-free farms, and animals that are not fed GMO feed or given growth hormones or antibiotics.
Did you know that 86% Cacao Intense Dark Chocolate is fat burning? Did you know that Black Rice has the highest level of antioxidants to prevent premature aging and is the most powerful of all super foods? Did you know that Chinese Wolfberries has the highest level of antioxidants of all superfruits?
Now, let's talk about personal care products that are adding, even more, toxins upon our already burdened bodies. Your body is failing because it is overloaded with toxins from our food supply. Then you use shampoos, conditioners, body lotions, soaps, beauty creams, serums, etc. Preservatives in our personal care products are just as toxic. Take a look at the label. If you see Parabens, Phthalates, Formaldehyde, or 'fragrance'; you're looking at disease and premature aging.
Parabens are estrogen-mimicking chemicals widely used in cosmetics and body lotions as preservatives and have been linked to hormone disruption and cancers of the endocrine and reproductive systems.
Phthalates are another class of hormone-disrupting chemicals that cause a host of serious health issues. They mimic or block the hormones your body naturally produces. Even slight alterations in hormone levels can cause infertility, breast cancer, metabolic disorders, birth defects, etc. Is anyone experiencing any of these problems?
Formaldehyde, another preservative, has been linked to skin irritation and cancer. Read the labels; what are you putting on your hair and skin that is absorbed into your bloodstream that causes disease and premature aging?
You don't have a chance. Or do you? You do! Let me explain.
Organic foods are not only nutrient dense, they are healthy and I say this with all sincerity. Any drink or food that is diet is actually more fattening. Any substitute for real butter is more fattening. Let's talk about diet sodas. Really? There is more added sugar in diet drinks, and that sugar is more fattening than regular soda. Wow... it's all in the marketing right? Don't believe me? Just do a little search of your own. It will be eye opening. Anyway, I digress; let's move on.
You want to look for foods that are Organic... Non-GMO; even then you have to read the label. Gosh, I'm tired already; but believe me, it's necessary if you want to live a beautifully rich healthy life.
Beauty is having the healthy strength to care. If you are unhealthy it's easy to say, 'Oh well, I'm over the hill and who cares. I don't care because I don't have the strength'. So why not choose to be healthy? With that mindset, you will be healthy and beautiful. Beautiful! Instead, your mindset will be, 'I'm strong, healthy and I care; it matters'. This is the difference between choosing toxins or choosing to be healthy. Which will you choose?
Let me give you, even more, insight. In 1992, Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology, an independent division of Eastern University in Cheny, Washington built the first frequency monitor in the world. Tainio has determined that the average frequency of the human body during the daytime is 62-68 Hz. A healthy body frequency is in the range of 62-72 Hz. When the frequency drops, the immune system is compromised. If the frequency drops to 58 Hz cold and flu symptoms appear; at 55 Hz diseases like Candida take hold; at 52Hz Epstein Bar; and at 42 Hz Cancer.
Fascinating isn't it.
According to Dr. Royal R. Rife, every disease has a frequency. He found that certain frequencies can prevent the development of disease and that others would destroy disease. Substances with higher frequency will destroy diseases of a lower frequency. The study of frequencies raises important questions concerning the frequencies of substances we eat, breathe, and absorb through our largest organ, our skin. Many pollutants lower healthy frequency. Processed/canned foods have a frequency of zero. Wow! Think about that. Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz, dry herbs from 12 to 22 Hz, and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 Hz.
Toxins are lowering our healthy frequency. It's as simple as that. But there is hope. Essential Oils start at a frequency of 52 Hz and go as high as 320 Hz. These frequency levels are much higher than fresh herbs, and according to Dr. Royal R. Rife, these higher frequencies prevent and destroy disease.
Still want to use toxic over-the-counter personal care products and eat toxic foods? Now do you see how exposure to them causes premature aging and a host of health issues?
I'm 61 at the time of this writing and I'm proof that Organic Non-GMO foods and Organic Therapeutic Essential Oils can and does reverse the aging process. I am strong; I am healthy; I am beautiful.
To Your Health and Beauty

Importance of Ingredients Present in Anti-Aging Wrinkle Creams

Ingredients are always considered to be an essential part of every preparation whether it is your favorite dish or an anti-aging cream. One of the most common problems among women which come up with the growing age is wrinkles.
Wrinkles are considered to be the primary signs of ageing. The very thought of wrinkles seems to be scary for most of the women due to which they generally start using a distinctive anti-aging wrinkle cream. However, any significant wrinkle cream only proves to be effective when it contains useful ingredients. These creams can distinctively prevent you from the issues related to wrinkles as well as aging only if they contain the desired needful content.
Variety of Options
Every time you browse for a significant anti-aging wrinkle cream, an extensive diversity of options becomes available for you. This does not mean that every cream will prove to be effective and useful for your skin. Skin, being the most sensitive part of human beings cannot be treated with any kind of material. The extensive variety of creams available in the market generally contains both helpful as well as harmful ingredients. Various dermatologists suggest preferring the creams with natural and healthy ingredients in place of the creams comprising of various harmful components.
Effective and Must have Ingredients
There are certain ingredients which prove to be extremely useful for a healthy and young looking skin. Women are always suggested to primarily check these must-have ingredients in their anti-aging wrinkle cream. The ingredients which are rich in Vitamin A, C, B and E, prove to be a boon for the skin. Some of the necessary and active ingredients which should be present in an effective anti aging cream include:
• Retinol - a distinctive component derived from Vitamin - A for smoothing the wrinkles.
• Niacinamide - a distinctive component derived from Vitamin B3 to fight back pigmentation and melanin.
• Hyaluronic acid - to provide effective hydration to your skin.
• Olive Oil
• Jojoba Oil
• Argan Oil
• Cupuacu Butter and many more.
Ingredients to Avoid
Besides the content of these must-have ingredients, there are several other ingredients also present in the anti-aging wrinkle cream, which can significantly prove to be harmful for your skin. The women are advised to avoid using creams with such ingredients. These harmful ingredients include:
• Mineral Oils: Different types of mineral oils like paraffin wax, liquid paraffin and petrolatum are generally used in the creams which significantly hinder the natural capability of your skin in eliminating toxins and clog the pores.
• Variety of Fragrances: Some creams use distinctive variety of artificial fragrances in their content which are produced by toxic ingredients. These ingredients may cause significant damage to your skin.
• Content of Alcohol: The significant amount of alcohol present in some of the anti aging creams can distinctively lead to the consequences of drying skin along with irritation.
Thus it is very much essential for women to avoid all the above given contents in an anti-aging cream to remain lively and beautiful always.




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